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Hanson Legal



Most of our clients are business owners.

 We have been representing entrepreneurs for more than 40 years; from family-owned “mom and pop” operations to large franchises and companies with multiple locations in several states. 


We help business owners design, implement and maintain effective plans to help them reduce their personal liability, preserve all viable income tax deductions, facilitate the owner’s retirement, maintain family harmony, retain key employees and minimize income, gift and estate taxes.


And, most importantly … we ensure your business has the proper foundation to allow for maximum growth with minimal risk to you and your loved ones.


We don’t just respond when things go wrong, we proactively monitor your business to ensure you can stay focused on the growth of the business.


To help owners protect estates and businesses that have been a lifetime in the making, we focus on an integrated approach to planning. 


This approach includes legal, insurance, financial and tax planning issues. More important, it includes discussions about family values and belief systems. As a result, we rely heavily on the expertise of our clients’ other professional advisors to help create the most effective team for our clients’ success.


We’ve structured our fees and packages so we are all on the same side of the table when it comes to the success of your business.  We are incentivized to be efficient, effective, and help you grow.

If you have a growing business (or one you want to grow more), come in and ask us about our outsource general counsel packages and we’ll be your Family Business Lawyer™.

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